Is buying my brand keyword profitable?

On April 23rd, 2013 Google changed their policy on trademarks and how they handle it. Of all the changes they made to their policy, the most important elements were that Google would no longer prevent advertisers from bidding on third-party trademarks, and that any trademark bidding restrictions previously applicable were voided.

That means that although Google will still investigate trademark violations with regards to the ad copy, they will no long block advertisers from bidding on these keywords.

How did this important change effect the industry? Competitors are now able to creatively bid on your brand name and take valuable traffic away from you.

So to get back to our initial question, the short the answer is yes, buying your keyword is profitable and in most cases a necessary practice. And since your brand name effectively represents you, it’s not overly expensive.

There are other significant advantages to bidding on your brand name.

You can now tailor the message you provide potential customers. If you’re having a unique sale or promotion, you can change the ad copy on the fly, instead of waiting for a Google crawl or spider to pick-up your change, and of course decide whether it’s worth changing or not.
You will also be able to own more valuable real estate on Google. With the top 2 or 3 results being paid ads, and the bottom 7 to 10 positions being organic, your brand is displayed across the first page of search results more prominently, thus increasing your business’ visibility.

Moreover, you can list your address and telephone number in your paid announcements which will make it easier to bring potential clients to your doorstep.

All of this means that a small investment made in purchasing your brand name keywords can have a very positive impact on your digital marketing, and should show immediate results in your exposure and conversions.
